But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. - Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Workout Wednesday

This was the best weather day we've had all year. The sun was shining and the temps neared 60°, making for a great day for running. Ashley and I were infected with a little bit of spring fever, which puts a little more energy and enthusiasm into everything you do. So when work was over for the day, we changed our clothes and headed outside to run.

As usual, Ashley could go longer than I could, but I did manage to make it through a four-minute run during the thirty minutes we were out there. Mostly though, I ran as long as I could, which was right around three minutes, then walked 15 seconds and finished out the four minutes running.

After I got home, Romie wanted to run, so I tried to do a couple more 3-4 minute runs with him. I managed a three, but the second one had me running/walking/running/walking.

It's such a good feeling when I've gotten my running out of the way for the day. I feel almost panicky as the day progresses and I know I've got it yet to do. I can't
not do it, but that option always exists in the recesses of my mind, and that's when my self has to talk to me. "It's only thirty minutes..."


beckie said...

Kylee, had visited for a while. Impressed with your running and stamina. You are really hanging in there. YEAH!!

Meems said...

Kylee: Tried to catch up today on your back posts to see how things are coming along. You are doing this so well! I'm a jogger... I don't call it running because my pace is pretty slow. HA!

For me, I have to do my exercise first thing in the morning. Well, almost first. After coffee and some devotion time, I hit the street while it's still cool. It would be my dream to have someone to run with- I've met a friend occasionally at a trail or park and it makes all the difference. BUT running alone is also very meditative. I put my i-pod in my ears and play my worship music and usually pray. It has become part of my life now. At first it was VERY hard. But once you get to the point where you experience the benefits (more energy, increased self esteem, feeling more healthy- to name a few) it will become one of the things in life you don't want to be without... kind of like gardening.

Anyway, I commend you for pressing through the obstacles. You are going to be so good at this in 6 months- I can tell!

Oh and the run/walk thing is the absolute BEST way to increase a little at a time. Don't be discouraged about that 4 minutes-- before you know it you'll be doing it and won't even have to think about it.
And since they are welcomed- I will be praying for you. :-)

Kylee Baumle said...

Beckie ~ I'm trying! :-)

Meems ~ Thanks for coming over to this blog and encouraging me! And thanks, too, for the prayers! I know all too well the power of prayer and believe me, that and a lot of hard work are the only things that will allow me to reach this lofty goal.

I had a really good running day today! (Check out today's post!)