For the first time since we started training, I missed a group session today. It was a strange and busy day, starting out by getting up when it was still dark outside. I'm a night owl and unless I have to work in the morning or go somewhere early, I rarely see the sunrise.
The reason I was up early today (5:00 a.m.) was because Mary Collins and Jamey were on the morning news, which runs from 5:00-7:00 a.m., giving running tips and talking about our group. Kevin, one of my fellow runners, was on also, sharing his thoughts about what we're doing and how it's already helped him.
Barney was a stray brown tabby that had been making our place his home for several months, and while we didn't need another cat, his affectionate manner would have made him a welcome member of the family.
I had to make a trip to Van Wert that didn't get me home until after 3:00, and there were several things that I needed to get done so I opted to forgo group training. It was a running day today, but since it was pouring down rain, I ran on the treadmill in the basement instead of outside.
It's been several weeks since I last ran on the treadmill, because we've had such nice weather. I prefer to run outside, even though it's a little tougher on my legs. The scenery changes as I make my way down the road, plus Romie can run with me. I set the speed on the treadmill at 4.4 mph and off I went.
I decided I wouldn't look at my watch until I started to feel a little winded or tired. Time went by as I jogged along, watching the evening news. Hmmmm...surely five minutes had passed... Nope. Eight minutes. I still felt really good, so I kept going. The next time I looked at my watch, I had run fifteen minutes and I still felt pretty good!
By this time, it was as if I were in a trance, on automatic pilot. I didn't want to stop, and as I reached 21 minutes, I was starting to breathe a little harder and the sweat started rolling down my face. My legs still felt pretty good and no hip joint pain at all! When my watch said 25 minutes, I stopped running and walked for awhile to cool down before hopping off the treadmill. Heart rate at the end: 138.
Wow. I would have never guessed today's run would go like that at all. Not after three straight days of crummy runs. Now I know that running on the treadmill is easier than running outside on the road, but I can also remember when running three minutes on the treadmill was a real killer. And I can remember when Jenna told me she runs 20 minutes on the treadmill and I wanted to slap her.
So take THAT, Jenna! LOL.
(Run 6 minutes, walk 2 minutes) x 3
+ Run 6 minutes = 30 minutes √
(Run 6 minutes, walk 2 minutes) x 3
+ Run 6 minutes = 30 minutes √
Kylee: I'm sorry to hear about Barney.I know that had to be hard.
Isn't it amazing how that works with running. On the very days you think you will have a crummy run... they end up being great. But mostly I want to say a BIG congratulations for passing your mark and feeling good still at 25 minutes. Running is like that- once you get going there is something about it that is very invigorating. Just the accomplishment can make you want to keep going.
Well done and big pats on the back for sticking with it... you are doing great!
meems, hoe & shovel
Thanks, Meems! It was such a drastic difference from the last few times that I wondered if I wasn't a bipolar runner. LOL!! I will say though, that this was just what I needed to get me going again after so many discouraging days. I feel like I'm cheating when I run on the treadmill, because it really is so much easier than running on the road, but like I said, I remember when I had a hard time running two or three minutes on the treadmill!
I've come a long way in a pretty short time, I'm thinking! :-)
I never dreamed I would run. I started walking on a treadmill. After a while I got so bored I started running on it - like you I thought I would die after 3 minutes but I gradually built up my time and loved it. Running on the street is harder on our joints, back and so on but it is so exhilerating. I got rid of the treadmill and only run on the street now.
It's a great feeling to remember just a short time back when your legs wouldn't last or your breathing would give way --- I am impressed and proud of your progress... you should be too. Good days are great encouragers. Keep it up! Hugs.
Isn't it funny how we do these things that we never thought we would? For me to be exercising, let alone running, is just an amazing, amazing thing. I can't say I like it yet, and maybe I never will, but I'm sure I'll be happy with my achievement and I plan to find some way to maintain the level of fitness that I'll have by the time I run this thing. Maybe I'll learn to like running! LOL.
I'm thinking that maybe my having so many bad days in a row was due to two things: trying to run after working so long and hard in the gardens, and the fibromyalgia. Even though I'm expecting this physical activity of running to help with the fibro, it also is bound to cause me more pain. Whenever I overexert, that is what happens and then I'm out of commission for awhile. What I am finding though is that I have more energy in general. I seem to have fewer "do nothing" days.
I won't ever get rid of our treadmill because we live where we experience this thing called winter. LOL.
I wanted to also say thanks for your kind words about Barney. It was a disappointment and it's always hard when a life ends that way.
You hit the nail on the head with the "fitness" being something to maintain. I think it is that aspect that gives you the overall better energy on any given day. I really admire you working through this with the fibro condition. Just recently (I used to run no matter what) I'm not running when I plan for a hard, long day in the garden. But on a normal day, I run, then work in the garden for a couple of hours and life is good.
You are right about the treadmill - it would be essential where you are. Here -the weather only gets miserably hot to run but I figure it is good for me so I don't let it stop me.
Well, I am NOT a night owl & my alarm rings early. It was good to 'chat'- keep up the good attitude and the good work. Before you know it you might actually like it. :-)
Kylee, I'm sorry about Barney. It's one thing to know your cat is sick, and another thing entirely to find out he's sick and have to put him down the same day. Bummer. My thoughts are with you today.
I am so proud of you for being able to run 25 minutes on a treadmill! I remember Jenna's comment, and now you can do it. That is SO awesome. And isn't a good run so muc better than three crummy ones in a row?
Yes, it was hard with Barney because he looked so healthy! We don't know how old he was, but we don't think he was more than a year, if that. Thanks for your kind thoughts.
And yeah - YAY ME! One good day makes me forget the crummy ones! I wonder how it will go today? I'm not counting on being able to run 25 minutes in a row, but you never know! I didn't think I'd ever do that yesterday either!
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