4:00 AM Alarm went off. Got into a hot bath to get the muscles loosened up. Got dressed. Hair and makeup fixed.
4:30 AM Ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Drank a Fresca.
5:00 AM My groupies arrived and we headed to Fort Wayne.
6:00 AM We parked in the parking garage and walked to the Start line, where Channel 21's Jeff Bowman (cameraman) and Mary Collins (news anchor) were ready for broadcasting.
Seven months ago, I would never have believed I would be standing on a street corner in downtown Fort Wayne, Indiana, at 6:30 in the morning, excited at the prospect of walking 13.1 miles as fast as I can walk it. I wanted to be running it, but at my eye doctor appointment yesterday, I got the no-no for that.

As members of our training group trickled in, we were all smiles and ready to go. We'd been through so much as a group - moaning and groaning as Jamey put us through our paces, sweating as we used muscles we didn't know we had, encouraging each other in the down times and rejoicing with each other over the many milestones we passed along the way. Now we were putting all of that together as we prepared to walk/run either 4 miles or the full 13.1 mile half-marathon in the first ever Fort4Fitness event.
The race registration reached its limit of 2000 for the half-marathon and another 1000 for the 4-mile weeks before and next year those numbers will be doubled. I have no doubt they will reach that, given the comments heard after today's race.

Mary began her coverage of the race at 6:30, and she interviewed our group somewhere around 6:50. She didn't talk to each of us, but I was one of them she did. I don't recall a single thing she asked me or what I said, with all the excitement coursing through my veins; I just hope it was somewhat intelligible.

The crowd started to move forward and in a few minutes, we passed the starting point.

There were large crowds lining both sides of Main Street as we headed west, just as the sun was coming up. My family and some friends that were there to support me were sporting yellow t-shirts, designed by our older daughter Kara.

Jim, a friend from Chicago, had brought a large orange sunflower so I would be able to find them along the route. I have to say that helped a lot, as I looked ahead several times on the route for that sunflower, knowing there would be smiling faces and cheers of encouragement when I got to it.

We went by the beautiful University of Saint Francis campus. I especially enjoyed the scene to our left as we passed the Bass Mansion overlooking the lake.

There were several people that had cow bells they rang as we went by, and one woman in particular moved along the route as we progressed and whooped it up with her well wishes. We saw her several times.
Somewhere around the 12-mile mark, my right thigh began to cramp up. I tried to relax it as I took my steps forward, which required a lot of concentration, but it didn't help a whole lot. I felt myself falling behind the pace and no matter how hard I tried to make my legs move faster, I just couldn't. I almost felt like I was walking in slow motion. I tried to ignore it, knowing we were nearing the end.

I went on to the tent beyond, where they cut my timing chip off my shoe and I received my medal. Then I got an apple, a bagel, and some pretzels, along with a bottle of water - all provided free by the race committee. It all tasted wonderful.

In that last mile of the race, we had passed near the Perfection Baking Company and we talked about how the smell of bread baking was making all of us very hungry.
Mary was interviewing each member of our training group as we finished, and once again, I don't recall a lot of what I said, but I do remember that it was hard to talk. I was quite emotional, my voice was cracking, and it was just hard to put things into words at that point.

I remember I commented on how our training group made all the difference in the world in my meeting this goal. I told her if you have even just one person to go through it with you, it helps immensely. I would have quit twenty times had it not been for the group.

Now that it's over, I'm not sure I realize fully what it is that I accomplished just yet. It doesn't seem like such a big deal, yet 13.1 miles is about how far it would be from our house to Van Wert. Walking or running to Van Wert just seems ridiculous, yet that's in effect what I did. Maybe I'll realize it more in a few days.
I'm asked if I'll keep running. I didn't think so a few weeks ago, but Romie and I talked and we want to run a couple of miles three or four times a week to stay in shape enough to do some 5Ks together. And after doing this half-marathon and not being able to run it, I really think I want to do it again next year and hopefully run it. Kara has told me she and Adam want to do it next year, so we'll likely make it a family affair. We'll encourage Jenna and Joe to join us.

I've learned a lot about myself through all this. You can do things you don't think you can, if you do them in the right way and you have people to encourage you along the way. I'll try to be more of an encourager to others, now that I know what it takes to get from Point A to Point B.
One of the reasons I signed up for this was to hopefully find a way to improve my fibromyalgia pain and fatigue. As far as the pain is concerned, I don't feel that it helped in that respect, although an unrelated hip pain that I'd experienced for about three years disappeared shortly after I began training and hasn't returned. (Yay!) But I haven't had many of those "totally wiped out" fatigued days that I had so many of before I did this.
No doubt my cardio-pulmonary condition is greatly improved and I know my muscle tone is 200% better than it's been in decades. You just can't train like that and not experience a dramatic effect. I didn't gain or lose any weight throughout this, but Jamey didn't think I'd experience much of a change in that respect, other than perhaps a slight weight gain as I built up muscle.
I spent the rest of race day taking it easy for the most part. I was incredibly sore all over and walking was pretty painful. On Sunday, it was a little bit worse, but Romie and I took a leisurely walk of a little over a mile to help prevent more stiffness and soreness. I still limped a little, with my right hip joint and thigh muscles giving me the most problems. That was where I experienced the cramping during the race.
This morning, things were better. No more limping, and the soreness has diminished to a very specific couple of spots, mainly my gluteals. (That's butt cheeks, in case you don't know.) I know it will only get better and rather quickly I would imagine. It was worth every bit of it though. I will schedule a full massage later today for sometime this week with a gift certificate given to me on Mother's Day this year by Kara and Adam. That will feel wonderful!
I want to say a big thank you to those of you who have followed along, giving encouragement via comments on this blog or by e-mail or personal encounters. You have no idea how much each and every one of them meant to me. You all were an important part of my experience.
I also want to thank Mary and Jamey for choosing me to be a part of this very special training group. Not only would I not have done this without you and them, but I've made some great friends that I will stay in contact with long after this race is history. I know that I was given an incredible opportunity and I don't take that lightly. Thank you.
There will be a party at Linda's tonight for our group and it will be fun to talk and compare notes about our experience. I can't wait to hear what everyone has to say about their own personal journey. Everyone has a story!
Edited to add: Mary's interview with me can be seen on the Channel 21 web site here. Scroll down the page and click on my name and the interview video will begin.
Edited to add: Mary's interview with me can be seen on the Channel 21 web site here. Scroll down the page and click on my name and the interview video will begin.
Thanks, Kylee, for the great narrative that really sums up the feelings of all of us who went through the training process with Jamey! It was an awesome experience, and I wouldn't trade it for the world! You did great, and are such an inpiration to so many who would have never thought they could do something like this!
Kevin Roe
Didn't you look cute and fit in your running skirt! I enjoyed the story of your race day, Kylee, and even teared up a little just reading about your emotional finish. You did great!
I can't imagine running a half-marathon myself, but for several years I've been a supporter of my husband, who runs. I can say that it is a very emotional experience just being on the sidelines and cheering on someone you love--or even total strangers. I've seen a lot of determination and grit, as well as some heartbreaking failures, over the years. It never fails to move me.
And yeah, taking those donut breaks can totally throw you off track as you try to navigate blocked-off streets, an unfamiliar route, and throngs of pedestrians to get to the next "groupie spot" before your runner passes it. Following a marathoner along his or her route isn't as easy as it sounds, so be sure to give them a big thank you for all their support. Good luck in your next race!
Yea! Congratulations! You're very inspiring, you know?!! ;-) Great job!! Thanks for the full follow-up on the race.
Way to go Kylee!!! I knew you could do it. Since you did this I am sure you can accomplish anything you set your mind and body to do.
I thought of you saturday wondering if you were nervous anxious or just wired and ready to go. The weather here was just great and I am sure you had good walking weather.
I hope you aren't sore for too long. That massage will really help no doubt. Again Congratulations.
Oh, Kylee, I'm so proud of you! You had me tearing up too. What a great accomplishment and I'm incredibly impressed by your family's support and encouragement. You must feel so blessed and loved.
what a great accomplishment! congrats!
Congratulations, Kylee! You can be proud of such a great accomplishment. I remember watching my son complete his first marathon and my daughter-in-law the half-marathon. People all along the route were cheering everyone on and shouting words of encouragement. Afterwards, both were so exhausted, so I know how you must have felt--well, not really, because I was standing at my son's race just minding the baby.
You are an inspiration!
Kylee, YAY! YOU DID IT!!!!And you did it well... great time for walking... really great time actually.
So good of you to take us on your journey all these months but getting to hear you describe the actual day from the time the alarm went off made me feel like I was there too. (My heart was with you that day for sure.)
I can just imagine you trying to take it all in and not wanting to miss a single minute or emotion of such a fantastic feat. All your hard work and determination paying off for you. Just being in better health for participating would be worth the training.
Love the fun t-shirts too. Good for you getting out to walk your mile the next day. It would be a shame not to keep up some form of walking/running after all that work these past months.
You are truly an inspiration. Makes me want to find a partner (or six) and get out there and do better with my routine. I really need something to spur me to a new level.
congrats again!
Wow! What a wonderful experience you had! I loved reading your story. Congratulations! Cameron
Great post half-marathon write up. I enjoyed reading it, and I'm glad to read that you're going to keep on running.
Congrats on the finish. :-)
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