But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. - Isaiah 40:31

Monday, May 19, 2008


In the past couple of weeks, my attentions have been flitting from one thing to another and I'm not good at switching gears. I do best when I can concentrate on one thing, to the exclusion of everything else. Unlike many women, I don't multitask well.

Now that Jenna's wedding is over, I can devote more of my thoughts and efforts to getting back on track with my running. It's taken me longer to rest up from the festivities of the weekend than I expected, but I'm not sure I will ever truly be rested.

I drove to Jenna and Joe's apartment prior to training, did some stretching and ran to the ASH Centre. It took me about 10:30 to get there, and once I was there, I kept right on running, doing laps in the gym. After another ten minutes of running, I took a break. The rest of the group got there shortly after, and as usual, we ran/walked for ten minutes to warm up. I ran it, which meant that I'd done my 30 minutes for the day.

We then went through our core strengthening exercises together, then talked about the Warbird 5K that several members of our group had run on Saturday. It sounds like it was a good experience for everyone, better than most expected it to be. Barb E. even came in third in her age group and got a trophy!

Jamey said we were going to begin to transition to training by distance rather than time in the next couple of weeks. We'll also only meet once a week as a group, on Mondays, beginning in June. He said if we knew of a 5K event and wanted to run in it, to go for it. Barb mentioned a 5K being held during New Haven Canal Days that she wanted to run and I told her I'd run it with her. That's on June 7th.

I left to run back to Jenna's, but I didn't run it without stopping this time. I walked for a couple of minutes, and made it back to her apartment in 11:30. I was exhausted, but glad that I'd had a good workout.


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